Integrated cancer research site CURAMUS

2023 – 2028

Funded by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) 


The SiRIC CURAMUS was accredited again in 2023 by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and led by the AP-HP.Sorbonne University Hospital Group (Pitié Salpêtrière, Saint-Antoine, Tenon, Trousseau, Rothschild, Charles-Foix, La Roche-Guyon) and by Sorbonne University under the federation of the University Cancer Institute (IUC), in association with their institutional partners, Inserm and CNRS.

SiRIC CURAMUS aims to develop new collaborations within its multi-disciplinary forces by initiating ambitious translational research programmes between the research laboratory and the patient’s bed, as well as trans-disciplinary projects bringing together oncology doctors, biologists and researchers, chemists for molecule research, physicists for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, computer scientists for datamining and social science and philosophy researchers for the human sciences.