
LIMICS is based, on the one hand, on upstream research centered on methodological contributions, whether formal (computer science research) or more applied (biomedical computer science research) and, on the other hand, on projects anchored in a well-defined application landscape in terms of data and resources, uses in the field and desired impact.

Research in Computer Science and Health Informatics

Computer science research with some contributions that may be specific to the healthcare field, but not exclusively. The work is related to the Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering community. Keywords associated with this theme are: ontology construction approaches, domain ontology construction, ontology revision, new approaches to natural language processing, centralized and decentralized reasoning models, complexity of reasoning algorithms, case-based reasoning, preference models, similarity models, decision support systems, information retrieval, visualization methods.

Data warehouses and clinical research informatics

Research in computer science applied to the construction and operation of health data warehouses for healthcare and clinical research, within a strong partnership with health hospital structures (AP-HP and CHU Rouen). The keywords associated with this theme
are: construction of health data warehouses, standard data models and data quality, termino-ontological resources and/or language processing for health data annotation, selection of cohorts and similar patients, clinical research informatics, semantic interoperability and alignments, multicenter clinical studies based on real-life data. The notion of cohort can appear as a result (selection of patients in a warehouse, comparison of similar patients) or as a source of data for studies.

Decision support, e-health

Research in computer science applied to the development of decision-support methods and tools for care, management, public health and health research in several disciplines (oncology, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiovascular diseases, gerontology) in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Keywords associated with this theme are: e-Health applications, medical specialty-specific decision support, visualization for decision support, information retrieval for healthcare decision support, health promotion. We use symbolic methods (reasoning, decision support systems) and numerical methods (statistical learning) to develop algorithms and software to improve decision-making processes for prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and patient follow-up. Projects in this theme are based on structured clinical data, text (automatic language processing), images or knowledge from all types of data. All medical specialties can be involved, whether for care, management or research.

Drug Modelization – Pharmaceutical knowledge – Prescription – Pharmacovigilance

Research into the formal representation of drugs and their properties, dedicated to prescription assistance, and computer research
dedicated to pharmacovigilance.
This important and singular activity, which we have chosen to highlight as a laboratory theme, is carried out by LIMICS permanent staff (PUPH, PH, CRCN) who were originally doctors of pharmacy. Key words associated with this theme are: drug models, databases and repositories, ontology of drugs and drug interactions, prescription and de-prescription assistance systems, pharmacovigilance, social network content analysis.