• PostGenAI@Paris


    2024 – 2029 Funding : France 2030 Limics is a partner in the PostGenAI@Paris cluster, a project led by Sorbonne University, which was selected from among nine research centers in […]

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  • Phares 2: Social media and pharmacovigilance

    Phares 2: Social media and pharmacovigilance

    2024 – 2026 Funding: ANSM (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé) Title : A processing chain for social media data and its application to pharmacovigilance […]

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  • RHU AI-Triomph

    RHU AI-Triomph

    2024 – 2029 The hospital-university health research program (RHU) run by the ANR aims to support translational health and clinical research projects. The RHU AI-Triomph (Artificial Intelligence – clinical TRIals […]

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  • SMeLT : Similarity Measure Learning for analogical Transfer

    SMeLT : Similarity Measure Learning for analogical Transfer

    2023 – 2026 Funded by ANR https://smelt.irsan.eu/ The aim of SMeLT is to provide a methodology to learn a similarity measure that is optimized for a given analogical transfer task.Among […]

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    2023 – 2026 European Commission: European Cancer Imaging Initiative https://www.eibir.org/projects/eucaim/ EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) is the cornerstone of the European Commission-initiated European Cancer Imaging Initiative, a flagship of Europe’s […]

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  • Integrated cancer research site CURAMUS

    Integrated cancer research site CURAMUS

    2023 – 2028 Funded by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa)  Accueil The SiRIC CURAMUS was accredited again in 2023 by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and led by […]

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  • CDE.AI


    2022 – 2028 ANR funding: Priority research program on Rare Diseases CDE.AI: Artificial Intelligence at the service of common data elements for rare diseases The BNDMR (Base de Données Maladies […]

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  • Medication Review Support – ABiMed

    Medication Review Support – ABiMed

    2020 – 2024 Funded by ANR Decision support tools for medication review and polypharmacy management Polypharmacy is a major public health problem. It causes adverse events and drug-drug interactions, but […]

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  • Smart Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (SUOG)

    Smart Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (SUOG)

    2020 – 2024 EIT Health’s innovation programme Home SUOG Screening in early pregnancy for foetal abnormalities is an established part of routine care in Western countries. If the screening identifies an […]

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  • Open resources and methodologies for the detection of drug-drug interaction in clinical data warehouses – REMIAMES

    Open resources and methodologies for the detection of drug-drug interaction in clinical data warehouses – REMIAMES

    2019 – 2023 Funded by ANR The existence of drug interactions in prescriptions is a risk for the patient and a reflection of improvable practices. These problems have already been […]

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